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Testosterone Deficiency and Replacement:

With modern-day stress, unhealthy lifestyles and exposure to thousands of toxins on a regular basis, more and more people are developing hormonal imbalance. Testosterone is one of the most common hormones to get affected by such stress factors. Globally, approximately, 10-40% male population has testosterone deficiency with associated symptoms. These numbers are much higher in the United States. In men, testosterone levels start to decline after age 40 and typically there is a precipitous decline between ages 45-50. 

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Symptoms and Signs of testosterone deficiency in men:


  1. Fatigue

  2. Difficulty losing weight / excessive weight gain 

  3. Decrease in stamina or muscle strength

  4. Depressed mood / feelings of hopelessness

  5. Mental slowing / cognitive decline

  6. Decreased libido

  7. Sleep disturbance 

  8. Bone weakness and fractures

  9. Anemia 

  10. Heart disease

What to do if Testosterone deficiency is suspected:


  1. Get levels checked

  2. Consider treatment (gels, injections, pellets)

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Natural ways to raise Testosterone levels:



Stress reduction and optimal sleep 

Healthy Morning

Healthy Diet

Exercising Man


  1. Weight Management - Healthy weight maintains healthy testosterone levels. Being overweight even in the presence of testosterone replacement treatment drives the hormone levels down and causes further fatigue and weight gain. For some people, it may pose a challenge because due to low testosterone levels, they may not be able to do much exercise and their metabolism may not be favorable to lose weight and at the same time, being overweight drives the testosterone levels even lower. In such cases, every attempt must be made to lose weight and achieve a healthy BMI while starting TRT if/when medically indicated. .

  2. Exercise - At least 40 minutes of cadio and strength training 5-7 days a week counts as exercise. Anything less than that or a sedentary behavior will only further decline natural testosterone levels.

  3. Stress Management - High levels of stress can raise cortisol levels and  lower testosterone levels. This causes detrimental effect on endocrine and metabolic functions of the body. If your life is full of stress, re-evaluate your priorities, reflect on what matters the most and strategize a long term action plan to manage stress and achieve balance. 

  4. Healthy Diet - A diet rich in anti-oxidants and minerals which help convert inactive testosterone to the active form is very important. The most important mineral necessary for this function is zinc. In addition, a diet rich in balanced vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and low in carbohydrates is necessary. Sugars, refined carbs and and processed foods must be avoided at all cost. 

  5. Sleep - 7-8 hours of good quality sleep naturally improves testosterone levels and lack of good quality sleep has the opposite effect. This is why people with sleep apnea almost always have low testosterone levels. 

  6. Supplements - Although supplements such as tribulus, HCG and others have been used to boost testosterone levels, their long terms safety profile is yet to be determined and must be used cautiously. 


Important points to consider while on Testosterone Replacement Treatment (TRT): 


If you are on TRT, following must be strongly considered,

  1. Get your levels checked regularly as advised by your health care professional (generally, the first lab test must be in 6 weeks and then every 3 months or as needed).

  2. Exercise, sleep well, eat healthy, and manage stress as described above. Without these steps, TRT will not work well.

  3. Monitor for signs of over-supplementation. Aggressive behavior, sleep disturbances, weight gain, redness of skin, and temperature dysregulation are just a few of many side effects of over-supplementation. If any of these r other symptoms occur, consult with your health care professional immediately. 

  4. TRT can suppress sperm production although it is reversible. If you are planning on having children, discuss alternate options. 

  5. If TRT is not showing expected results, some of the rarer diagnoses may be at play which are inhibiting TRT effectiveness. Consult with your healthcare professional to discuss details.  


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